Spray painting and Powder coating - know your hazards 15/11/2021 12:00

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Spray painting and Powder coating - know your hazards
on November 15th 2021
12:00-13:00 [greek time]

Painting and Coating are dangerous tasks and are associated with safety hazards and long-term health conditions. Most people are aware of the more obvious hazards such as solvents and isocyanates inhalation.

However there are also safety hazards and challenges like dermal injuries and falls from height which are often overlooked.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the hazards of painting and coating, the importance of comfort and ease of use of your PPE.We will also demonstrate how innovation is addressing some of the most common issues related to the hazards:

·         Basic hazards associated with painting and coating

·         Health impacts of solvents, isocyanates and other chemicals

·         Users of PPE and their needs

·         Controlling the hazard with the latest generation of integrated PPE

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