3M™ Cubitron™ II Depressed Centered Grinding Wheel

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3M™ Cubitron™ II Depressed Centre Grinding Wheel is constructed of 3M Precision Shaped ceramic grain to offer a fast cutting and long lasting rigid bonded wheel. Our grinding wheels are specially formulated for use on stainless steel, mild steel, and aerospace alloys.



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The cutting discs and grinding 3MT CubitronT II, is the revolutionary new technology for all processes of cutting and polishing . Last longer , cut faster metal not raise temperature compared to any conventional disc market . Just chew irons. 3M manufactured these products for professionals in technology-based PSG. It is the technology that enables the creation of absolute triangular grains cut metal like butter. Try them today and see the difference immediately .

The discs CubitronT II 3M offer :

  •     Faster cutting and polishing
  •     They have longer life and durability
  •     They do not require pressure
  •     Reduce the load on the user
  •     Increase productivity

Conventional ceramic granules is uneven in shape and size. Thus, during grinding , the grains dig metal unevenly as creating rough surface at higher temperatures. This quickly slows the efficiency of the disc and reduces its durability.

Perfectly symmetrical triangular grains with PSG which are manufactured discs CubitronT II, ​​have the feature that continually create new strong edges that cut metal like butter. The homogeneity of the structure gives constant grinding and cutting lines , allowing discs to not raise the temperature . So last longer in any application .

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